Cover Story

Warm breezes, starry nights, swaying romantically with your partner to the sound of Smooth Jazz while mingling with fellow music lovers. Who wouldn’t want to come aboard on the 7th annual BillyRay Sheppard Smooth Jazz Cruise organized by Foster Perry Travel? Foster Perry Travel’s booking now for the seven-day cruise that will launch November 9 from Galveston on the Seascape, a newly appointed ship in the MSC cruise line.
Student Spotlight

There’s nothing like the camaraderie and acceptance found in being part of a team. The Ronald Reagan High School swim team has made senior Montserrat Spielmann feel at home since she moved to Stone Oak as a freshman. And she’s not just a participant, her performances have helped the girls advance to win district and regionals in 2024 and 2025, and set a new region record for the 400 free relay.
Dental Digest
Phew! You completed the dreaded task of filing your taxes, and now you can look forward to your refund. Why not put that hard-earned money back to work for you? Reward yourself with the gift of the beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of. You can correct unsightly crooked teeth or a misaligned bite in sometimes less than 12 months.
Pet Tip

Fido is Fat! Maybe it’s a classic case of too many table scraps, or maybe your wily pup has been helping himself from the bowls of his furry siblings. Either way, Fido has put on a few pounds that could endanger his health. Obesity in dogs is defined as “any excess body fat that impairs or could impair your dog’s normal function,” according to Allthingsdogs.com. Obesity is loosely categorized as 30% above ideal body weight.
Victorious Valentine

What are you doing for Valentine’s Day? You can’t miss it; stores have been festooned with pink and red hearts since the Christmas decorations came down. American culture prioritizes making the perfect romantic gesture to show your partner how special they are. A miscalculation can cause unintended consequences.
Wish List

Sometimes San Antonio’s city programs seem far away and of little impact or interest in Stone Oak. District 9’s Councilman John Courage wanted to find a way to engage the community and bring dollars to benefit his district directly. In 2018 he launched the first participatory budget, soliciting feedback from District 9 constituents about projects that would make a difference to its residents.
New Years Baby

While most of us were blowing horns or making a toast at 12 as the year advanced to 2023, Lauren Jacks was celebrating in a more memorable way. She ushered in the New Year with the delivery of her daughter, Avery, who arrived at two seconds past midnight at Stone Oak’s North Central Baptist Hospital.
Bank of America

Bank of America today announced four San Antonio high school juniors and seniors were selected a Student Leaders® (#BofAStudentLeaders), an eight-week summer internship providing students with first-hand experience in serving their communities.
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Kent Kirkman, Publisher
19141 Stone Oak Parkway
Suite 104-79
San Antonio, TX 78258